Board of Directors & Executive Committee


In align-ment with the ethos of a credit union, which is a non-profit organization owned by the members, the Board of Governors/Executive Committee is elected by the members, each of whom is entitled to 1 vote.

At this stage, those responsible for ensuring that this most powerful Credit Union is fully established, are as follows:
1. Count Heru El Bey – Governor of the Bank of Atmaurium
Primaria Argentaria Regnum, for the Kingdom of Atmaurium,
Maurusia Dynastia, responsible for finance and operations
of the Credit Union.

2. H.E Paul Simons – Minister of Finance –Department of
Numismatics and Mercantile for the Bank of Atmaurium
Primaria Argentaria Regnum, for the Kingdom of Atmaurium,
Maurusia Dynastia, responsible for finance and operations
of the Credit Union.

3. Georamur Aqua-El – Head of Security Operations, and also
responsible for finance and operations of the Credit

4. HE Lady Sharron Leon – Assistant to H.E Paul Simons and
also responsible for administrative procedures of the
Credit Union.